Web Hosting

First-Class Web & E-Mail Hosting
Adept Systems have a secure onsite data centre to host your website and email. We monitor our servers 24/7 and in the last 12 months have had under 4 hours downtime.
A number of name servers are maintained here. In the event of a server failure, a backup server will maintain DNS records, pointers and data - this means no loss of service for our hosting clients!

Domain Names
We can set up email forwarding, email hosting, DNS forwarding & domain name registration (all domain names are registered through Nominet, the leading registry of .uk internet names). Domain name registration can cost as little as £5.00 for two years, and we can automatically renew the domain name to reduce headache for you.
As a Nominet Registrar we guarantee a response time within 24 hours for any web hosting or domain registration queries.
In the event of any hosting, domain or registration issues you can email support@adept-systems.co.uk for a guaranteed 24 hour response.
In the event of a complaint please email using the link above. We guarantee a response within 24 hours. Should you wish to escalate the complaint if you are not 100% satisfied please call our main number (01482) 935934 stating the issues you are having and we will deal with any problems quickly and efficiently.
Download Web Hosting PDF factsheet